In accordance with the principles of modern architecture and based on rational and logical creative processes, we present the architectural concept of Nová Myslivna. Key aspects influencing the overall result include working with mass, the forest environment, the hunting theme and the requirements for modern living.

According to old reports and preserved facts, three important Brno personalities are closely connected with the site - Jiří Mahen, Rudolf Těsnohlídek and Vladislav Vančura. They are said to have liked the local pub, which became a popular destination for Brno residents. Rumours said that the above mentioned three friends even planted a pine tree in this place. The tree motif is thus an integral part of the whole character of the place.

The first construction work is currently underway on the site.The aim of the project is to create a worthy successor to the original Myslivna, both in terms of quality housing and first-class related services.

Architectural study: Q2/2020
Building permit: Q3/2022
Construction: 2026